Thursday, March 31, 2011

twas the night before...

The kids are now at their Mama Marnie's house.  They still have no clue.  Kianna thinks that she's still going to school and she has to stop by Mama Marnie's work (@ the airport)before school starts.  As for Madison,  who knows what's going on in her head.

Now its time to finish up our packing.  I remembered to bring the girls mickey ears. =)

It'll be a busy week for Tito.  He'll be trying to have fun and squeeze time for his homework for the week. I think the next time we book a vacation, I'll just take Kianna out of school.

Anyway, back to packing.  Gotta get up early in the morning, our flight leaves at 7:40 AM.

Pretty cool April Fools joke on the kids.  Mwahaha..  I'm so evil!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Countdown Begins..

We have two more days before we leave on our trip to Southern California.  Kianna and Madison still don't know we are going on the trip.  I don't know who's more exctied, the kids or us.  We will be leaving Maxiumus with his brother, Tickle at my mom's house.  Hopefully he doesn't get home sick.  Maybe next time, we'll take a trip where it's more outdoorsy so he can come along. 

I've made our itnereary and its detailed as detailed can be.  I prepared it a couple of months ago.  I hate not knowing what to do when we get there. Oh I'm so excited!

I've looked up the weather and it's SUNNY!  Way better weather there than here in Seattle.  I did a Target run last night to grab some sunblock.  It's time to start packing.  I've packed all the kids clothes two weekends ago and they are all set.  I'm surprised Kianna hasn't asked me why the suitcases are out.   We plan to tell the kids about the trip the morning of, this Friday. 

I decided to do a blog so you guys can follow us on our vacation without the whole world knowing (Facebook). =)  Hope you enjoy!
