Saturday, July 28, 2012

Kianna's first 5K

Kianna ran her first 5k, mine and Tito's 2nd 5k, at the Seattle Torchlight Run.  It was a great experience for her.  I know she's a fast sprinter but not so sure about long distance. In any case, she finished the race and did an awesome job.  She finished in 39 min, pace: 12:47 minutes, and finished 104 our of 143 in her division age1-19. 

She did great at the first mile.  She jogged her way down the parade path but she didn't want to give "high-five's" to the kids along the parade line.  Pooper!  We ran the race with her great-aunt and great cousin.  We had loads of fun running. We finally made it to the viaduct and what a fantastic view that was.  I really wish they wouldn't tear that highway down.  It's the most beautiful drive in Seattle.  We had to stop and take a picture with the 'Great Wheel.'  By this time Kianna was asking for water and the water station was down a ways until we got off the bridge. We finally made it to the water station and boy was she excited.  I poured water over her head and she was relieved. 

The run was very entertaining.  We saw a lot of people running in costumes and people spraying water at us with water bottles.  The most memorable part was 4-5 men running with a canoe and one of the guys pointed out that they were getting paid to run with it.  Inside there was an urn.  Kinda cool and creepy at the same time. 

We finally dashed to the finish line. Kianna was so eager to get this thing over with and she was a trooper for doing it. This is a priceless shot taken by her great-aunt.  Thanks Ate' Bel for sharing this moment with us!